Monday, January 15, 2018

Media and globalization

These giants acquire media companies in different countries to ensure the niche distributor status, therefore the global circulation of national products is usually connected to national pride as cultural products are spread from the dominator to others. Therefore indigenous cultures become capitalized, losing their fragrance uniqueness and follow the odorless marketing trend and standardized forms of production. Grassroots convergence is related to hybridization, transculturation and immigration flows between indigenous and introduced cultures.

Vilnius state University

Similarly, women report that they desire men who are tender, gentle, sensitive (Nevid, 1984), kind, and understanding (Buss and Barnes, 1986). A man, who looks too mature and too powerful, then may not arouse the woman's warm and care-giving feelings and may not elicit as much attraction as a man who can stimulate nurturing responses (Cunningham, 1989). Additionally, there have been studies that appear inconsistent with the idea that females found males with features suggesting maturing and dominance attractive.